Friday, June 21, 2013

Happy Summer Solstice/Litha

    To my readers, I wish a Blessed Litha, or for those that don't follow a Pagan or Wiccan path, Summer Solstice!
     Today is the first official day of summer, and it is also the longest day of the year. No, there isn't an extra hour in the day (although I wish that I could add hours in a day all the time!) but it is the day that we see the most daylight. Of course, if you live (in the northern hemisphere) where it is cloudy or rainy, you may disagree with me. Seriously though, the sun is above our horizons more than it isn't. So why not celebrate it?

     Many Pagans or Wiccans have rituals or ceremonies that they like to hold in honor of the Sun God/King. But you don't have to follow these spiritual paths to have your own. Think about it for a moment, you have a gathering with your friends. You could be having a cookout, a bonfire, or just hanging out on the porch while the kids play in a sprinkler or pool. Later in the evening, they could chase lightening bugs (if they live in your region), roast marshmellows on the bonfire (or better yet, make s'mores....mmmmmmmmmm). In a sense, you are having your own summer ritual or celebration! I think it is awesome to celebrate the seasons (even winter, the one I could really do without!), but I really enjoy the celebrations of summer.

     While celebrating the summer months can be fun, it is wise to take precautions so that you don't injure yourself or become sick. With summer (at least for many of us) comes the heat and humidity. For instance, today my area is under a heat advisory as well as having a smog alert. This can be hard on those that are infants, elderly, or people that suffer from respiratory problems. It can be harmful to all of us if we aren't careful, but this group of people are especially at risk. Your body is pretty good at letting you know something isn't right. If you are having problems breathing, slow down or rest. If you are feeling faint or lightheaded, sit in a shady spot to cool down. Don't overwork yourself in this heat! Water should be one of our best friends this time of year, you can cool off many ways with it. You can drink it (the best thing for you to do), swim in it, have it poured on you, etc. You should also ALWAYS wear sun screen, even if you are a tanner. We are seeing record numbers of skin cancer being reported (granted, many of them are a result of laying in tanning beds, or what I like to refer to them as coffins with bright lights). It's best to use one that is LOWER than SPF 50, because anything higher is just a marketing ploy. You need to reapply it anytime you have been swimming, or if you've been out for a few hours. Yes, it may say that it will protect you for 10 hours, but if you are sweating, chances are it has worn off. It is better to be safe than sorry! Me, I avoid the sun for the most part simply because I burn very easily and I also get freckles and moles, plus the fact that my dad was diagnosed with a very mild case of skin cancer (it only required putting on a topical cream for a period of time to get rid of it). I don't like taking my chances, but if I am out in the sun, sunscreen is one of my best friends.

     One of my favorite summer time activities is to reconnect with nature by going on hikes in wooded areas. Not only is this a great family (or couples) activity, it provides exercise and has it's own form of entertainment. I love to see wild animals and butterflies in their natural habitat. I see things every time I go, and I always enjoy it. But like doing activities out in the hot sun, hiking can also pose it's own threat. While the heat/sun may not be as much of an issue because wooded areas have lots of shade and is usually much cooler than an open area, there is the threat of ticks. It is important to check yourself thouroughly after doing any outside activity, but especially when you are in wooded areas (where they like to live). They travel from the ground up, so if you are wearing pants (why? I don't know..but some people do) and tuck your pant legs into your socks, this is a good way to prevent them from getting onto your body. Mosquitos can also pose a threat because of the West Nile Virus, although I don't think it was as bad as it was a few years ago. In any case, it never hurts to use a DEET free bug spray. If you have pets, please treat them for ticks (and fleas) as they are prone to these pests this time of year. Fleas don't necessarily carry disease, but they sure are a pain in the.....(anyone that has had to deal with them will understand where I am coming from). My poor Dixie-Kitty had a bad allergic reaction to them, and when she got them, they infested her so bad that she usually lost all of her hair :( It pained me so bad to have to give her baths when she was that bad, but it usually helped after the fact. I am lucky my boys don't seem to have the same trouble she did, rest her soul...

     Something else I used to really enjoy this time of year was camping. The first couple of years that Corey and I were together we spent practically every weekend at Indian Lake (or some other place). It was always a blast, even when it rained as we would find some kind of trouble to get into. We were able to take Autumn quite a bit when she was a toddler and for Tehya's first year, but between the camper we used being destroyed by flat-line winds and me having to work weekends up until a couple of years ago, we only got the opportunity to go one or two weekends a year. Sadly I don't think we are going to make it happen this year because Corey works weekends and he won't have any vacation time to use for a camping trip. I have to admit I am kind of bummed about it, but we are definitely planning on doing something next year, I've already been looking into some places that we've never visited before (including out of state places) so that it can be an adventure for all of us! I am open to suggestions if you have any!

     Well, I think it is time to stop writing so that I can give my readers the opportunity to spend the Solstice-Litha the way it was intended to be....OUTSIDE!

Brightest Blessings on this Litha!!!

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