Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hi brick wall, how are you today?

     There are times I think I am better off talking to a brick wall, because at least it listens to me (or at least I think it does...or at least I pretend to think so). I know people sure don't! While my kids are probably the worst ones, I don't really count them simply because they are kids. I mean, I did the same thing to my parents when I was a kid, and I am sure I am not alone. I'm talking about grown adults.

     Sure, I could put Corey in this category, but like the kids, I am sure he is not the only husband in the world that doesn't always pay attention to what his wife is saying to him. But to give him his credit, he has done much better about it than he has in the past. He could use a little tweeking, but for the most part I really have no complaints with him.

    Recently I had to decline a home party invitation. I have my reasons, but that's my business. I don't feel like explaining myself, I simply can't come. Thanks for the invite, but please accept my decline. I could be one of those people that never give you an answer one way or another (which gets on my nerves). By you asking me a thousand times why I can't come, you are putting yourself at risk for me to hurt your feelings. I am very outspoken, and sometimes the brain-to-mouth filter doesn't work. So, unless you want me to tell you that it really pissed me off that you chose a competing company after I have been regularly advertising my business and have the nerve to invite me. Not to mention, I haven't heard a word from you in probably 8 months or more, and now you want me to come to your party and spend my money so you can get free stuff? Sorry, my money is tight these days, so I only spend what I absolutely need to... So No thanks! Please leave it at that...

    That's not the only person that has made me mad recently, but it just happened yesterday so I am still a bit tiffed about it. But seriously, if I tell you something, there is a reason behind it. I wish people understood how very busy I am and how fast my schedule fills up for this and that. This means I pretty much have to plan things months in advance. If I tell you I or we (family) can't do something at a certain time, there is a reason. I am not going to change my schedule around for you. I say we can't do something at a certain time because we have other plans or whatever, don't get mad at me because I won't rearrange my schedule around for you. Especially when it is a last minute thing. Not everyone has free time at their disposal like that, certainly not me! So if I tell you no, leave it at that, or you will get an earful of something you don't want!

      If I ask you once to stop sending me catalogs because I no longer need them and won't be making my purchases through you, stop sending them! You are only wasting your time and money, plus aggravating me because you obviously didn't listen to me. I mean, I know if someone told me not to send anymore, I would be a little upset, but I would rather you tell me than let me continue to send catalogs I pay for and then the $4+ to send it to me every couple of weeks. I don't even bother opening them, they go straight to the burn pile. You spend probably about $10 or more a month for me to get my backyard fires started...Thanks!

     I know I sound harsh, cruel and bitchy, but I did give you fair warning that I am outspoken, and don't always think about what I am saying, but save us both the trouble of listening to me the first time around!

...End rant...Hopefully tomorrow is a better day!

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