Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I can see clearly now...

     So I spent last weekend sick as a dog...I think I had a touch of the flu that has been going around, I felt absolutely awful! Sunday I started feeling better, finally! There's not much that I hate more than feeling sick and not being able to do anything about it...

     Monday afternoon I took my girls and their cousin up to Indian Lake, where they will be spending the next week with their grandparents. So far they seem to be having fun, or at least I am assuming they are. Neither one of them has bothered to call their dad or I. We have been enjoying the peace and quiet around the house, but I think the fur babies miss them. The cats were sitting in the window when I came home from work yesterday, and they looked so excited when I pulled up, but then when they saw that I was alone, they just laid back down...Wow I feel loved! Ha ha...

     Tonight there's supposed to be some pretty bad storms rolling through, with the possibility of winds reaching 60-70 MPH and large hail. I am concerned about them up there in Indian Lake, because they are in a Fifth-wheel camper and I didn't see any sturdy shelter nearby. I am also hoping we don't lose power this time around! Last year we had one of those "derecho" storms rolled through, it about rolled my car, and we lost power for 4 days. The worst part about that was I had just gone grocery shopping the day before and spent about $250, most of it on freezer food and meat. Needless to say, it all had to be thrown out. Good thing I haven't gone grocery shopping this week, or I would be worried again. I just don't feel like sitting in the dark with no air conditioning!

     Yesterday I did something I haven't done in almost 10 years, I got an eye exam! Plus, I treated myself to contacts-well, right now I have a trial pair. I've never worn disposables before, and they don't make the "annual" ones like I used to wear, so they want me to make sure I like them before committing to buying them. So far so good, except the 20 minutes it took me to take ONE contact out last night! Guess I am a little out of practice! I have to go back in two weeks to order them, I am debating whether or not to take Autumn with me at that time, or do it before. She wants contacts to because she is afraid her glasses will slip off during cheer practice (this wasn't a concern last year). I think she is finally starting to care about her image a little bit! This isn't a bad thing, because before she could care less, so I welcome her wanting them.

     Yesterday I added a little bit of a work out to my afternoon walks. I thought it would be a fairly simple exercise, but it is anything but! I felt the burn in my abs an hour after going on my walk! I will probably do it again today, because this is supposed to help burn belly fat and tone the ab muscles, which is the #1thing I would like to change about my body...I also need to start the 30-day AB challenge, maybe next week I will incorporate that into my daily routine (since things will somewhat go back to a normal schedule). There's also the 30-day squat challenge I want to try, but I think I will save that for July. A friend of mine started that and said be ready to feel it. I don't want to do too much all at once or I may give it up altogether. Not something I want to do...

     Well, that's about all I have to say about anything today. Hopefully I will be back tomorrow, otherwise you can assume that either a house dropped on me or I lost power...Say a silent prayer, do a chant, a dance, light candles, whatever you want for me, PLEASE?!..Peace!

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