Thursday, June 6, 2013

Just a little bit of randomness today...

     I really don't have anything specific to write about today, so it's just random things going on...

1. It is raining today, so I didn't go for my walk. Normally I would be bummed out about it, but we need the rain pretty bad here. The ponds that are around my walking trail look more like mud puddles that are about dried up and the poor geese, ducks, frogs and turtles need that water. Plus my plants at home would greatly benefit from Mother Nature's raindrops. Plus I treated myself to a McDouble from McDonalds today. Hey, we all need our cheat days and I've been eating cottage cheese and pineapple everyday for lunch. I deserved it! I thought about doing laps around my desk, but couldn't figure out how many I would have to do to make it equal 2 miles, but my guess is a lot. I get dizzy easy, so that wouldn't be good.

2. Today is "Throwback Thursday" on many social media websites like Facebook and Twitter. I got brave and posted a picture that was taken my senior year of high school. That was in 1998, I was the young tender age of 17...Seems like a life time! I was in a bad car accident almost 2 months before the pic was taken, but putting Neosporin on the cuts on my forehead 2-3 times a day helped them heal up nicely-I barely have any scarring left.
I had a great head of hair to, so beautiful, long, thick, wavy, and no grays! But anyone that's had kids know that will change that (I am proof, lol).

3. I am trying out a new recipe this evening. I think I am going to like it, but I have yet to break it to the family that it has spinach in it. Hey, I think I may be anemic and need to remedy that, plus it doesn't hurt anyone to eat a little bit of spinach every now and then...They may even discover they like it! Not banking on that idea, but you never know.

4. Autumn got fitted for her cheer uniform last night, but I still don't know how much it is going to cost other than being told "be prepared to pay around $300". Yeah that made me throw up in my mouth a little, but I have heard worse, so I guess I'll try not to complain too much. But, she found out that she was the alternate for the competition squad (she's still in the football cheer squad). I didn't think it would bother her that much, but once she found out all her close friends made it, it did. I felt a little bad for her, but I think it was also good for her. Kids need to learn what disappointment feels like and how to cope with it. I told her it was something to work on for next year, and sure enough she was doing her stretches that my friend/her past pee wee coach taught her. So a good lesson learned, at least I think. She realized it wasn't the end of the world and everything will be okay. Especially since her dad took her to the local archery range to practice using her soon-to-be new hunting bow (it will be her birthday present from all her family in September).

     Well, I don't think I have any more random thoughts to put on here, so I will leave it at that...Peace!!

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