Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Nothing exciting here

     After reading my mom-in-law's and a friend's blog today, I realized I haven't written mine in a while. Guess that tells you how exciting my life is (or isn't)...lol.

     Well, As of Monday, I am no longer involved with direct sales. I am no longer a "dildo distributor" as a friend of mine likes to call me. I was kind of upset how the company treated me towards the end, but oh well. It really doesn't matter anymore. After 14 years of off-and-on direct selling, I don't think I will miss it. I know my bank account sure won't either! I got into it originally to get my own stuff cheap, but when you spend your profits and then some, it really isn't worth it. It's a lot of work, and when you already work full time, it's even worse! I don't know how I did it while going to school full time and coaching pee wee cheerleading on top of that!

    Speaking of cheerleading, that is getting ready to start up in less than a week. I am having a meeting with my coaches tonight to go over everything. I am mostly excited to start, but there are parts I do dread. I am not really looking forward to my days not ending until 8/9 at night (after getting up before 6 to get ready for work). The heat (more like humidity) and bugs get to me sometimes to. I'm also hoping I don't have a lot of parent drama, but there is always someone that wants to find something to bitch about. My thoughts have always been "if you don't like what I am doing or how I do it, you are welcome to do it for me" but naturally they don't want to step up to the plate. They just like to hear themselves talk/complain. Whatever floats their boat.

     We found out that Autumn's cheer uniform is going to cost $288 this year, and I also learned that it's a $100 increase from the years before. Apparently, pom poms cost $100 now, whatever...I think that the middle school is covering costs for the high school (who have to pay close to $400 for their uniform) which is bull shit, but I know if I said anything about it, it would only fall back on Autumn, and I don't want that. So I will just grumble as I write the check to pay for her uniform and hope that she really appreciates that I am doing this.

     I don't have any exciting plans for the 4th of July this year because Corey has to work all weekend. He tried to get it off but they denied his request. So, aside from football/cheer sign ups, I really have nothing to look forward to over my long weekend other than cleaning...yay...Did you sense the excitement in my "yay"? Ha ha ha...

    Well, not really much else to say here, so on that note, I'll write again later...Hopefully sooner than a week.


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