Every morning I follow the same routine, whether it is a work day, weekend, holiday, school day, etc. I start by somehow figuring out how many scoops of coffee I need to put into the coffee maker to brew my coffee-when I'm only half awake at best, sometimes that is a daunting task. Then I go to the bathroom-thanks to the fact that I have to turn on a faucet to make coffee, which makes my bladder remind me I better go sooner rather than later. Then I let Sasha-our husky outside, thankfully she is patient with me. But this morning, I realized it was actually chilly! I'm sure she loved it, me, not so much. It didn't warm up a whole lot either by the time I had to take Autumn to my mom's, I was half tempted to grab a hoodie. How she (Autumn) was wearing a tank top and shorts without freezing is beyond me. I do have to admit, it was kind of nice driving with the sun roof cracked just to let some fresh air in, and not be running the AC in the car. I'm willing to bet the car was kind of thankful to.
While I work inside an office, I really don't have any windows around me except the "sky light" type windows, that are behind me. I can tell when the sun is out in the afternoon, because it comes through the window and makes it next-to-impossible for me to see the computer monitor. I haven't been going on my lunchtime walks lately thanks to the heat wave we've been experiencing. Anyways, I went out to get the mail after lunch and couldn't believe how absolutely gorgeous it is outside! The sun is shining, and it is warm-this time I could wear shorts, maybe not a tank top, but definitely wouldn't need the hoodie.
It also dawned on me the other day that I have YET to do any hiking, or even going for a walk around my neighborhood, or Crystal Lakes at all this summer. Today, I am hoping I can take advantage of this lovely weather and not having cheer practice. It would be nice if Corey-my husband, was able to get off work at a decent hour so he could join me and Autumn for a walk. I'm sure Tehya is enjoying the nice weather up at Indian Lake. She went with my in-laws to help keep Charli-my niece entertained (it's Charli's first time camping). I'm hoping she (Tehya) is also working on her backbend-walkovers, toe-touches, splits, straddles, and stretches like I told her to!
Well, I better end it here, until next time bloggers...
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