Monday, July 8, 2013

2013 Cheer Season Begins!

     Coming back to work after a long and lazy (for the most part) weekend is bad enough, but now we are getting ready to kick off the Wee Arrows Cheer (and football) season! Today will be the first day of camp, and I am hoping that Mother Nature turns off her water works, at least for a few days.

     We only have about 14 cheerleaders signed up total so far, but Camp Week is when everyone decides to join, so that number will double, if not triple in the next couple of days. We are starting camp a little early this year-due to some misinformation some of us board members got about a month ago. It's not necessarily a bad thing, in fact I think it could work in our favor. Since are starting so early, we decided to run camp for two weeks. This gives us an extra week to practice the fundamentals, and it gives us an extra week for sign ups...That's a win-win right there!

     I've already started working on one of the cheer dance routines for my squad. Let me tell you something, it is NOT easy to do! Not only do you have to have some kind of creativity to come up with a good one, but you better be in somewhat decent shape to, or you will quickly learn how out of shape you really are (like I did yesterday)! Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I think I am pretty good at choreographing dances, at least for not having any previous experience or training at it. The only experience I have is from the days when my cousin and I would make up dances in hopes of getting on the show, "Star Search" (yeah I know, I just revealed my age there), and watching my daughters do ballet, tap, jazz and hip hop dance for 8 years. It is a really rewarding feeling to work your butt off (along with your little cheerleaders) towards perfecting the routine and watching them perform it. It is truly awesome! This year is a little different for Tehya and I though, because we moved up a squad. We will be doing two routines instead of just one, and one of those will be for competition, which we will actually get scored and placed. Last year we just performed and were scored. I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that if our level would place, we would have taken 1st, hands down. I haven't started working on our competition routine yet, but I am hoping I didn't outdo myself last year. We shall see.

     This is also my first year as the Cheer Advisor. This means I get to deal with all the parents (not just the ones from my squad). I'm not overly concerned about it, as I think I get along with most of the people there. Even if I ever came across a parent who doesn't like how I do things, or wants to complain, my words to them would be "if you don't like how I do it, feel free to run against me after next season...or take over as coach next year so I don't have to". I know my fellow board members like me enough to have my back in anything I do. I think I bring a good perspective to the table in that I understand where EVERYONE comes from. I understand the parents' point of view, I understand the coach's point of view, and now I see things from a Board member's point of view. I'm not out to please anyone, my job is to make sure that things are ran the way they are supposed to be, and to resolve issues that could arise. Given that we got rid of a board member that had a lot of bad stigma attached to us, I don't think it will really be much of an issue.

     For the first time in 6 years, I am actually looking forward to a season starting up. Go Arrows!

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