Friday, August 23, 2013

How Lord and Lady Ward will spend Labor Day weekend with their young Maidens

     Summer is about over and kids are back to school. I feel terrible in that we haven't had a chance to do anything together all summer long. Next weekend (Labor Day Weekend) Corey and I are taking a 5-day weekend since it has been so long since we have been able to spend quality time together. Now, not all of this "quality time" is going to be all fun and games.

     One day we are going to spend going through and cleaning the garage. Are you jealous of us? Yes, I know you are. Who doesn't want to spend an entire day going through an extremely cluttered, dusty, spider web filled garage only to throw 90% of whatever is in there away (then go to cheer practice that same evening)?

     Another day we will be spending doing a good thorough cleaning of our house. I am talking front-to-back, top-to-bottom, get on your hands and knees to scrub the floors kind of cleaning. I couldn't even tell you the last time I did even a half-way decent job cleaning the house. This time of year, my poor house gets neglected, and that just drives me crazy. So I know after a good cleaning (as much as I loathe cleaning) I will feel better.

     Sunday will be spent at a football field because we still have games on Labor Day weekend. Now that I am the Cheer Advisor, I have to attend all three games, and, I have to arrive early and (most likely) stay late.

    So, 3 days out of my 5 day "vacation" have been planned out already-and not with anything fun. Well, cheerleading isn't bad, just makes for a long day. That leaves us with 2 days. One (which I am designating Monday for) will be for nothing but R & R because buddy, I NEED IT! I have been such a ball of stress, I can't even stand to be around myself.

   Corey and I have decided that since it has been so long since we ourselves have been to the Ohio Renaissance Festival and our kids have never had the joy of going, that we were going to take them on Saturday (Opening Day). We really couldn't have picked a better weekend to go either, because kids 12 and under get in free (yep, that's both) and adults are BOGO free adult admission with a code word at the gate. SCORE (no that's not the code)! I have always enjoyed the Renaissance Festival and we used to go every year, several times a year. But with our crazy work schedules and money being tight, we just haven't made it out in a few years. Okay, more like 10, I was pregnant with Tehya the last time we went. I can't wait! A full armor joust? Yes, please! I want front and center seating for that (better grab my seat early). So many shops to browse through-and wish I had a few grand to spend at and live performances! The only thing I am down about is that the Swordmen won't be there the weekend we are attending, but if you go make it a point to see them, they are great! I am also hoping that my mom will be able to get the girls' dresses made so they can dress up with me. Yeah, I really do get into it. I may even break out the accent, but we'll see about that. I think it's a bit rusty, mate.

    If you would like to see some information, buy tickets online, print an itinerary visit there website at or visit their Facebook page You may even see me there!


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