Monday, May 20, 2013

See what happens when I have time to sit and think....It's scary!!

     Monday Funday! NOT! Once upon a time, I looked forward to Mondays, because at that time, I was in restaurant management, and my days off were Tuesday and Wednesday...So Monday was "My Friday"..Well, not anymore! Mondays are Mondays! UGH! But the bright side is next week is Memorial Day, so I have a 3-day weekend coming up...Woo hoo!!
     This past weekend was mostly uneventful. Almost TOO uneventful. I am not one that is used to not having something going on every single day, so Saturday I about drove myself crazy. Both the kids had things going on, Corey was working and all I had to keep me occupied was cleaning (which I absolutely HATE doing). I mean, I do clean, but I can't stand spending every weekend doing it, so I wanted to do something fun. Well, that can be tricky when you don't have a dime to your name and less than 1/2 tank of gas to last you a week. I don't care to watch a lot of TV, and I enjoy video games, but even they can get boring when you have no other option. So Saturday, I was in a bit of a pissy mood because I had nothing fun to do. It's really depressing to think about. Just a few short years ago (five to be exact), we had plenty of money. We weren't wealthy by any means, but we were able to pay all of our bills on time, and still have plenty left over to get groceries, gas and do something with the kids. Now it is a struggle just to try to pay bills when they are due! We are even in the process of  trying to get a loan modification (to prevent our home from foreclosure). I will give you a head's up, if you ever get into financial trouble, this is a VERY long and tedious process! We have been going through it since September, when we were denied assistance from the state. That's another thing, if you try to get assistance from them and get denied like we do, they don't do anything else to help you. It is really a bunch of BS how they treat you afterwards, but oh well. What can you do? I am just hoping that all this paperwork and phone calls we have been put through will be worth it in the end. I really don't know how it will end up.

     Corey and I have thought about it and talked it through quite a bit. There is the chance we will lose our house. While it will be terrible if we did, it could actually be a good thing if we can play our cards right. Something him and I have often regretted was staying in our area. We did it so our kids could stay in the same school district and stay close to family. We don't think this was the best thing for us to do, but we didn't know better then. We had no idea that we would deal with Corey being laid off twice since we've lived here, the first time in 2009, and that lasted 14 months. (This is when our financial troubles originally started.) The other was just recently in August 2012, but he found work 2 months later in a different field. The advantage to the job he does now, which is satellite installation is that he can pretty much go anywhere and do his job. In fact, the contracting company he works for often places the techs in different states if they are willing to relocate. While I may not have as easy of a time finding work doing what I do now (administrative/clerical) I do have 15+ years experience working in a variety of restaurants, and most of those years in management. I swore I would never go back to it, but in a case like this, I would certainly reconsider...especially if I get made an offer I couldn't refuse!

     As far as the school district is concerned, well, we know from a few posts ago how I feel about our schools now. We are getting ready to be state-ran which means my kids won't have half the programs available to them that we had. I want them to have opportunities and chances to get into a good college someday, but that won't happen in our district. Sadly, many Ohio schools are getting that bad. There just isn't opportunity left here! We wanted to stay close to family, but I don't know what that really did for any of us. I know every family has it's own drama, but ours is a little different because we have family married to family (as in Corey's brother being married to my sister). This makes bad situations 100 times worse for us because no matter what we get caught in it, even after we both express NOT to involve us. There is also other issues involving family but I don't care to get into great detail about them, but they involve my kids. What grinds me about them is that my oldest, Autumn is very intelligent and quite observant (even though she doesn't always let you know that) and sees what is going on around her. I get asked a lot of questions I don't have answers to, and don't feel it is right. But, what do I know? I think if we moved away it would relieve us from drama we don't want or need in our own lives.

     So, if we did end up moving, we are thinking the Colorado area. To be perfectly honest, I am not a fan of cold weather, so it took a lot of thinking on my part to agree to that. But, realistically, Colorado would be the best option for our family. It has all 4 seasons (including the cold crap that I am not a big fan of), lots of gorgeous scenery-which I assume means lots of hiking trails...This I have to research a bit more. We'd be close enough to visit family (for short periods of time, of course) but far enough away so that we don't have to deal with their drama that we so want to avoid. Being a military brat, I've lived all over the world, but I have never lived (let alone been in) Colorado, and it's surrounded by lots of states I have yet to see. Like I said earlier, we could both find work out there, that would not be an issue. Not sure about the cost of living or how hard it would be for us to find a place that we could keep our 2 cats and Husky (we'd obviously have to rent for at least a year, if not more). So we still have some homework to do if it comes down to it. Then again, it may not even be an issue if we save the house. We'll just wait and see...

    Now, for the record, nothing is set in stone! So if you are a reader and you either know me personally or know someone that knows me personally, PLEASE do not blow up my phone, blog, Google +, Facebook, Twitter, email, or any other form of communication asking me what all this is about. Like my title says, "See what happens when I have time to sit and think? It's scary!" it's just thoughts that cross my mind because I have ALWAYS got a Plan B stashed in my pocket in case Plan A doesn't pan out. In this same weekend I also thought about running for my local government (if I stay here) and moving up to the White House...I also thought about if I do save my home, the thousands of $$ I need to spend fixing this, updating that, etc. etc. I also thought about what color/theme I wanted for my bedroom and what kind of bed I wanted when funds allow me to. I also had other random thoughts, but you see where I am getting at here...

    Okay I think that will be all for today. I am curious though, if you have lived or visited in Colorado, please comment with your opinions/suggestions...I may need to think about those on a boring weekend. :)

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