Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Baby, It's Beautiful Outside!

     If you didn't see, I am in process of learning this whole blogging thing. Just when I think I have something figured out, I get proven otherwise...Story of my life! So please bear with me...

    Anyways, on to the topic of the day. It is absolutely gorgeous outside today! While I love the job I work today, it's days like this that make me miss working outside. But it's okay, I go on walks everyday on my lunch break, at least when the weather is cooperating with me. I enjoy those walks quite a bit. Not only is it great exercise and gets me off my butt for a little bit, but I do a lot of thinking to. I like to think that some of my best thinking is done while taking these walks. When I am having a bad day, my walks provide stress relief. Sometimes I cry on my walks, not a full on sob fest, but we all need to let go sometimes. Regardless of what is going on during the day, I always feel much better after my walks. I enjoy seeing the different wildlife, such as this turtle that was walking from the pond one day.
That particular day was a horrible day for me, but seeing him (or her) made it better. You can't really tell by the picture, but he/she was pretty darn big! The biggest one I've ever seen out in it's natural habitat, and I was able to get pretty close without scaring him/her off. It made my day that particular day. I hope one day I see the turtle again.

     Another thing I enjoy doing outside on days like this, especially this time of year is gardening. I started gardening about 7 years ago, and I am still trying to get better at it (kind of like this blog, lol). Some years I get a good harvest, others well maybe not so much. In the past, I have worked very chaotic schedules, which was a big part of whether or not my garden did well. Last year I didn't do one, because I couldn't get my husband Corey to get the "new" garden plot tilled. I couldn't plant on my old spot because I had just buried my fur baby (cat) there. Normally I start planting on mother's day, but because my plot still wasn't tilled and the fact that it was only 50 degrees (with a frost advisory for the next two nights) I decided against it. However, this weekend I will be getting the first batch of plants into the ground. Autumn and Tehya both made me planter pots with beautiful flowers for Mother's Day, like they do every year and one of my coworkers gave me a few seedlings to plant in the vegetable garden. So I have something to start with anyways. I also need to get busy weeding the flower beds, butterfly garden, and Dixie-Kitty's grave. That part I am not looking forward to. I can't wait to have fresh tomatoes from the garden though, my mouth is watering just thinking about the delicious BLT sandwiches that I will be able to have in a couple of months!

    We used to enjoy camping during the summer, but unfortunately because of Corey's job I don't think we will be doing much of that. He has to work weekends and there is no way he can get out of it. That's kind of a drag, but at least my parents-in-law will be taking the girls camping at Indian Lake in about a month. They all enjoy that quite a bit, and it's good for them to spend time with their grandparents, especially as busy as we get in the summer with cheerleading. I have to admit, part of me is jealous that they get to go while I have to work (no more vacation time until August...the end of summer of course!). It does give me a mini-vacation to have evenings alone or with just Corey and I. Not that we go out and do anything, but it's nice not having to cook and clean after everyone for a week. I think that may be even better than a vacation!

    Even though we can't go camping this summer, we will still have opportunities to go hiking this summer, which is another thing we really enjoy doing together during the nice weather. Tehya tends to play tour guide, which is cute, but gets on Autumn's nerves. Sometimes it also makes it difficult to see the wildlife that is around because she doesn't always know how to keep quiet. If it's not too hot and dogs are permitted, we take our husky Sasha. She likes the hikes to, but she gets thirsty really easy so we don't take her if it's too hot out. One thing we all have to watch out for this year is ticks. I hear they are already bad, and the warm weather is just starting! Those things creep me out! Remember to always check each other before going home/getting in your car!

   I can go on and on forever about how I love to be outside during beautiful weather like today, but then I would be on a computer all day instead of spending outside where we should all be...

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