Thursday, May 30, 2013

25 hours in a day, 8 days a week, 5 weeks a month, 13 months a year...

     Does anyone else ever wish that there were more hours in a day, more days in a week (or weekend!), more weeks in a month, or more months in a year? I know I am always saying if there were more hours in a day or more days in a week I could get a lot more accomplished, but is that really true?

    I feel like I am always on the go. The funny thing is I don't have near as much on my plate as I have in the past, but is sure doesn't feel that way! There have been times, like when I had Tehya (my youngest daughter) that I returned to working 2 or 3 jobs at one time-3 weeks after having her (against doctor's orders, which I heard all about), as well as going to school part time all at the same time. I think this helped age me a little because I used to be able to survive on a couple of hours of sleep...not anymore! Or how about the time when just a  couple of years ago (2008, so I guess it's more than a couple) I was working at Sonic as an assistant manager. I worked crazy hours! At one time we had 3 managers (including me) working there, which at the time was a 24 hour store. Yep, I put in 60-70 hour weeks, and mostly 3rd shift, but there were many times that we worked all shifts. This definitely did a number to me, because at one time I had 3 ear infections at once-one ear had a double infection. I never had a single ear infection until then. I also ended up with a very strange ringworm-like internal infection that even the doctor couldn't explain. It took a good month or so to get that mess cleared up-still no explanation as to what it was or how I contracted it. My sleep patterns have been screwed up ever since I had to work those really crazy schedules to.  Then about two years ago, I went back to school full time to finish my Associates Degree, while working full time, as well as running my own side business and doing quarter raffles every month...and being an assistant cheer coach-that ended up me being head coach because she wasn't there more often than she was. The bad thing was that was the second year of my program (Accounting Technology) and I honestly don't know how I made it through! It all seems like a big blur looking back on it now.

    Life has slowed down considerably since then, but I still feel like I am being pulled in 50 different directions all at once. I still work full time (not in the restaurant industry, thank gods!) and have a side business-which is very part time. I don't have school or quarter raffles anymore, which has taken a lot off my plate for me, but I put other things in their place. I am still the head coach for Tehya's cheer squad-and I now have to come up with new cheer chants and do TWO dance routines instead of one. I am also the Cheer Advisor for the Wee Arrows Board, so I have a lot of meetings and fundraisers to attend. My oldest daughter, Autumn made the middle school football cheer squad, so I will have games to attend. I am also trying to get my garden going, but I need some materials to get that to happen.

   There are many times I complain about having too much to do, with so little time to do it, but I try to be thankful for it. I would much rather be busy and stay busy than have nothing to do with my "free" time. I see so many people that seem to just waste their lives away. They might go to work, but that's about it. They don't do anything more than what is really required of them-if that much! It's also a good feeling to know that I what I do benefits many others, not just myself.

    Even if we could add time, would we just fill it with more busy work? Most likely, at least I know I would end up doing that. Sometimes we need to MAKE ourselves MAKE time for the unscheduled enjoyment in life. Make time to take your kids to the park. Make time to take the dog for a walk. Make time to go on a date with your significant other. Make time to visit with family and friends. Make time for fun. We get so caught up with wishing we had more time to take care of business, but in reality we want more time to enjoy life. Make time to do that!

...If only there were an extra hour in a day...


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