Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Happy MoTuesday!

     This past weekend has been one of the best weekends I have had in a while!

     First of all, I took my oldest daughter Autumn up to the high school for her middle school cheer try outs on Friday afternoon around 3:30. They drew numbers to see what order they would go in, well she drew #69. Needless to say, it would be a while before they would get to her. It was a little before 8 pm before she walked out of the school! The high school girls went first, which is the main reason it took so long, but she said there were around 30 middle school girls trying out, all but about 4 or 5 girls were in the same grade. There are only 12 spots on each squad (football and basketball) so she had a 50/50 chance of making the squad (her preference was for football). Sunday morning, I got a text from a cheer dad saying "Congratulations to Autumn!! Good job keeping Football a Wee Arrows thing!!". Well since I was in a bit of a haze (I'll get to that in a minute) I had to reread it again, then I jumped out of bed and fired up the laptop...I didn't even bother with the coffee pot, which is what I normally do first thing in the morning. There sat Autumn freaking out, and said she couldn't check the results because she didn't have her little paper with the website. My dear child has a tendency to lose things like this, so I had it put up. Upon seeing her name under the middle school football cheer roster, we both celebrated with a high five. Then of course she had to call all her little cheerleader friends. I couldn't be more happy for her, even if it means coughing up $300 for a uniform...Oh the things we do for our children.

     Saturday was a blast! Had a cookout with great friends and since we are close and our kids are best friends, it is really nice. Well we ate some great food (even if the burgers were a little more charred than I like, the weiners and everything else were really good), shared a few laughs (well a lot) had a few drinks and hung out until 3:00 am (my bedtime is usually 11, midnight at the latest) so this was a pretty good feat for me. So the girls and I didn't get home and in bed until shortly after 3, and Autumn was wide awake at 8, which is very unusual for her. But I guess her excitement and nerves got the best of her. It was funny thought because once she found out and talked to her friends, she pretty much turned into a zombie for the rest of the weekend. It had been a really long time since I was able to hang out with friends and really enjoy myself. The only thing that would have made it perfect was if Corey could have stayed longer. He was able to come and eat with us, but because he had a long and crappy day at work that day (and still had to work the remainder of the holiday weekend) he couldn't stay long. I felt bad for him because I know how crappy that is. For years I always had to work weekends and holidays and could never enjoy the long weekends. Now it's like we reversed roles because we are in different jobs now. I think he has a long weekend coming up for the 4th of July so maybe we can get some fun time in there somewhere.

     Sunday we played euchre with a couple of friends. We used to play every weekend but since Corey took this job in October we rarely play since he works all weekend. We had a great time with them as well, of course it doesn't hurt when you win 2 out of 3 games played! They also brought a big tall can of Bud Light Lime Strawberrita, which is Budweiser's version of a margarita. Jill and I split it, and it was actually pretty good-tastes nothing like beer, which is good because I am not a fan of beer! I could see myself drinking quite a few of those if I am not careful. I think it tastes like Hawaiian Punch and Sprite mixed with a slight alcohol taste (nothing bad). So if you like strawberry margaritas, these are worth a try.

     Monday was a lazy day. It rained in the morning so whatever motivation I had to do any kind of yard work was killed by that. It's okay I needed a day to recuperate from the weekend. I did a little bit of laundry and that was about it.

     So here we are on Tuesday (or I've been calling in MoTuesday since it really does feel like Monday). I hope you all had a wonderful weekend as well. Until next time...Peace!

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