Wednesday, February 24, 2016

I'm alive! I think?

   Wow, I did not realize it's been almost TWO YEARS since I last posted a bitch fest, er, I mean a blog! So much has happened in that time frame, I don't know where to begin.

   Well, to start with the bad news. Our dream that we saved years ago has now been lost. We went into foreclosure about a year and a half ago, and now we are basically sitting and waiting to be kicked out of our home. It really sucks, but there's not much that can be done at this point. The bank dropped the ball and we never really picked it back up. So it's just a waiting game now. Yay...For the record, it took a long time for me to come to terms with this. I was pretty much a hysterical basket case for a good month or so when I learned that we went into foreclosure. I was dealing with something else at the same time which drained my mental energies and wellbeing, but I don't care to discuss those details with the public. Sorry.

   Kids are doing well. It's hard to believe that I am the mother to a high schooler and middle schooler. No more elementary babies. There's a part of me that is very sad about this, but then again it's one of those things you can't stop from happening. It's part of life, like it or not. Sure I could have another and go through ALL that ALL over again, but....nah....I'm good. I don't think Corey would be too crazy about having a vasectomy reversed. He didn't act like he enjoyed it the first time, I doubt I could talk him into doing it again.

   Speaking of Corey, he and I are well. We are going to be celebrating our 15 year wedding anniversary in about two months. Hard to believe someone can voluntarily put up with me for that long, right? But he did, and does and does it like a champ. This year we are taking our first family vacation since 2009 and during that time we will be renewing our wedding vows. I'm pretty excited about it, even if it was his idea.

   I'm still working in the Property Management office, but now I am in the Accounting Department. It came with a slight pay increase, but a lot more work. Not sure if this is a good thing or bad thing, only time will tell.

   I'm in the final year of my second term as Cheer Advisor for the Wee Arrows. My daughters have both moved on from the program (even though Autumn still helps coach), so I am ready for it to be over. I have done a lot of good things for the program, or at least I'd like to think I did. I hope it continues to improve as seasons go on. It will be bittersweet when it is officially over in November, but I am looking forward to being "just a parent" again. It's been way too long, and I'd like to be able to relax and enjoy it.

   I've taken on a new role within the community. I am one of seven members of the Tecumseh Finance Committee which meets once a month to discuss our school district's financial issues. So far I feel like I am taking college courses for Accounting (especially Tax Accounting and Accounting for Non-Profit) all over again, much of the material we cover is a lot like the stuff we talked about in classes. I've enjoyed it so far, and hope that it will come to my aid if and when I decide to run for a Board position, or Township Trustee. I'm not 100% sure I want to do either, but it's a blimp on my radar, at least for now.

   I'm also considering sending in an audition tape for Season 8 of MasterChef, but I have yet to decide on what I am making and how I will go about taping this audition tape. I lack the video camera, and I can only do so much on my phone. So far most of the people think I should make my infamous pumpkin roll, but we shall see. 

   I think that covers what everyone's missed in the last two years. I'm much more active on my food blog, Pinterest Kitchen Witch. If you like food (who doesn't) and enjoy cooking, you should check it out and subscribe to it.

Peace Out!!

Friday, April 25, 2014

#100HappyDays Can you do it?

   Every few months it seems a new photo challenge graces us on different social media sites. As an avid Facebook user, I attempt to play along and usually stop within a week either because I get bored with it or just forget altogether. There is one that has started (I think originally about a month ago) called #100HappyDays Challenge. I saw a friend of mine had started it a few days ago and thought I'd check it out.

What it is:
   The purpose of this challenge is to show the world (and remind YOU) of all the things in life that make you happy. It's NOT meant to boast to the world that you go on extravagant vacations, have the biggest house, a large salary, etc (in fact, that is the opposite of what the purpose of this challenge is). The "things" in life can be anything-for example the first picture I posted for Day 1 was my first cup of coffee in the morning. Sure, it's nothing special to anyone else (other than if I don't have that coffee, I could make life miserable for anyone that has to deal with me) but it is what I look forward to in the morning. I'll elaborate on my things in a bit. Whatever makes YOU happy is what you share with the world each day.
   We all get caught up in negativity at times, and some of us are worse about it than others-yes, I will admit guilt here. If you take the time out to take a photo of something "happy" then it makes you happy to think about it.

How you can participate:
   First, go to this link to read up a little bit about the challenge (I summarized it for you in the earlier section) and sign up. The one drawback of signing up is that it only allows you to select one social media site (I chose Facebook over Twitter as I only visit Twitter every couple of days). After you sign up, you can start posting pictures.
   You post one picture a day of whatever makes you happy, then include the hash tag #100HappyDays. You can either just leave it at that, or you can include Day (whatever day of the challenge you are on) and include a brief description of what it is, why it makes you happy etc. You do this everyday for 100 days straight.
   That's all that there is to this challenge.

Why you should do it? Same reason I am doing it:
    No, I am not forcing anyone to participate, but really what would it hurt? We are so full of negativity anymore-job loss, living paycheck-to-paycheck, foreclosed homes, not having things you want/need, the list goes on and on. I will be the first person to say that I am more of a negative Nelly than anything these days (once upon a time, I wasn't like that). Life happens and beats us down at times-for me, it feels more often than not. But, it can ALWAYS be worse than what it is-sometimes it's hard to remember that. This challenge forces us to remember that there are things to be happy about, even if our lives are necessarily happy at that moment. When you post that photo, you think about what's in that photo. It makes you smile-at least it does for me.

Here's some inspiration:
   So, if you want a little inspiration, or you just want to know the things I've posted to date, check these out!

Day 1
My first cup of coffee in the morning-the only thing better than this is when it's on a weekend and I can enjoy my coffee in my pjs. Yes, that is a cat on my coffee cup (made by my oldest daughter Autumn-it has something to do with a book series she loves to read...Warrior Cats, maybe you've heard of it?)

Day 2
Chrono, my Alpha male cat sitting in one of his favorite spots (where Corey, my husband normally sits on the couch). I think Chrono is trying to dethrone Corey as the man of the house, he sits here every chance he gets. But him and Corey are buddies, so maybe that's just it...No it makes me happier to think he is trying to take over, just because it fits his personality.

Day 3
Trigger (Chrono's twin brother)-I love him to death. He is a bit finicky as in he only lets you love and pet him when HE wants it, otherwise you get his claws...Most of the time, he wants my attention at 3:30 in the morning. Yes, he is a fatniss catniss (his suits him).

Day 4 (today)
Prancer-he is no relation to the other two, in fact he is about a year or so older than they are (even if he is only half their size). Prancer is actually my youngest daughter, Tehya's cat. He is a sweetie and such a little lover. We took him in from my mom's house because she has 11 cats and needs to get rid of some-and she said he was a bully to the other cats. I haven't seen it yet. He makes me happy because he greets me every morning-just like my Dixie-Kitty used to...

So that's what I have so far. I will keep you updated (maybe on a weekly basis) of the new ones I post. I intend on actually sticking to this challenge as it could only be beneficial to someone like me who needs reminders about the things I have to be happy about.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Parenting 101 from yours truly (no it won't serve as a court ordered class credit)

     So it dawned on me the other day as I was reading another blog that it's been a lifetime since I wrote in mine...Okay not literally a lifetime but long enough.

     Cheer is about wrap up for the season, and honestly it is bittersweet. I enjoy it-most of the time, but practicing 3-5 days a week on top of being at football games all day on Sunday can wear a person down after a while. Tomorrow is our cheer competition. Unfortunately it was rescheduled from about a month ago, and that caused me to put a personal dream on hold. See, tomorrow is also the Open Cast Call for the show MasterChef in Columbus, and I was going to try out for it. But, as the Cheer Advisor/JV Head Coach/Parent of a cheerleader, I had to put my personal wishes aside. Heartbreaking, for sure but I always put my kids before myself. Sure, I could try out, make it and even go as far as to winning the competition (and of course I would!) but there would be that outside chance I wouldn't. Then I would have to live with that decision. I've missed a lot of things in Tehya's first couple of years of life because of my (then) hectic work life. I made a promise to her that I would never do that to her again. So personal wishes take a back seat.

     Sure, I could be resentful about it, and maybe a very small part of me is. I am human, after all. But It's not the end of the world. Hopefully, they will come back next season, I can try out then.

     But you know, I get to thinking about how we, as parents, are always sacrificing for our children. Then again, there are so many of them that put their children off to satisfy their own wants and desires. That really saddens me. I would be lying if I said that I didn't have selfish wants and needs. Yes, there are times I wish I could be like the 18 year old version of myself again. Road trip for the weekend? Hell yeah! Where to? Wherever my finger lands on the map. Yeah, I miss those days...a lot. But I would not trade them in for game days for nothing. My kids have helped shape me into the person I am today. I don't think I am that bad. Not in comparison to the many that I see on a daily basis. I definitely could have turned out worse.

     I am not saying I am perfect by any means, but my kids don't go without, at least as much as I can help. But it bothers me to see kids wearing tattered clothes when mom and dad (or just one in the picture if that's the case) have designer names on. They could be knock offs for all I know, but really? I bought myself a pair of new wedges a couple of months ago, but they were on clearance! Before that, I couldn't tell you the last time I bought myself new clothes...and I desperately need to since nothing fits anymore! People cry and complain that they can't feed their kids, so they turn to welfare to help. Then please explain how you have the money to buy the cigarettes that you are smoking? A few years ago, I gave up smoking because it was that or stop paying bills. Well, once again, I put personal wishes aside and stopped. (Not that it was a bad thing, I am healthier for it and will be around a few more years). I can't speak for my husband, but he is weaker than I am, but that's another story. People cry they can't afford this and that for their kids, but they are talking on the latest model iPhone (which sucks, I will never go back to iPhones, again that's another story). Anyways, I can keep going on and on but neither one of us have that kind of time on our hands.

     What I am getting at is that people need to put their kids before themselves. They didn't ask to be born, but they deserve to be taken care of. Sometimes it boils down to taking care of them or yourself. I have been put in that position many times-and in a sense, right now I am also. My kids will come first always....Sorry Chef Ramsay, I know you were looking forward to meeting me as much as I was you, but it will have to wait until next year. I have other obligations.

Friday, August 23, 2013

How Lord and Lady Ward will spend Labor Day weekend with their young Maidens

     Summer is about over and kids are back to school. I feel terrible in that we haven't had a chance to do anything together all summer long. Next weekend (Labor Day Weekend) Corey and I are taking a 5-day weekend since it has been so long since we have been able to spend quality time together. Now, not all of this "quality time" is going to be all fun and games.

     One day we are going to spend going through and cleaning the garage. Are you jealous of us? Yes, I know you are. Who doesn't want to spend an entire day going through an extremely cluttered, dusty, spider web filled garage only to throw 90% of whatever is in there away (then go to cheer practice that same evening)?

     Another day we will be spending doing a good thorough cleaning of our house. I am talking front-to-back, top-to-bottom, get on your hands and knees to scrub the floors kind of cleaning. I couldn't even tell you the last time I did even a half-way decent job cleaning the house. This time of year, my poor house gets neglected, and that just drives me crazy. So I know after a good cleaning (as much as I loathe cleaning) I will feel better.

     Sunday will be spent at a football field because we still have games on Labor Day weekend. Now that I am the Cheer Advisor, I have to attend all three games, and, I have to arrive early and (most likely) stay late.

    So, 3 days out of my 5 day "vacation" have been planned out already-and not with anything fun. Well, cheerleading isn't bad, just makes for a long day. That leaves us with 2 days. One (which I am designating Monday for) will be for nothing but R & R because buddy, I NEED IT! I have been such a ball of stress, I can't even stand to be around myself.

   Corey and I have decided that since it has been so long since we ourselves have been to the Ohio Renaissance Festival and our kids have never had the joy of going, that we were going to take them on Saturday (Opening Day). We really couldn't have picked a better weekend to go either, because kids 12 and under get in free (yep, that's both) and adults are BOGO free adult admission with a code word at the gate. SCORE (no that's not the code)! I have always enjoyed the Renaissance Festival and we used to go every year, several times a year. But with our crazy work schedules and money being tight, we just haven't made it out in a few years. Okay, more like 10, I was pregnant with Tehya the last time we went. I can't wait! A full armor joust? Yes, please! I want front and center seating for that (better grab my seat early). So many shops to browse through-and wish I had a few grand to spend at and live performances! The only thing I am down about is that the Swordmen won't be there the weekend we are attending, but if you go make it a point to see them, they are great! I am also hoping that my mom will be able to get the girls' dresses made so they can dress up with me. Yeah, I really do get into it. I may even break out the accent, but we'll see about that. I think it's a bit rusty, mate.

    If you would like to see some information, buy tickets online, print an itinerary visit there website at or visit their Facebook page You may even see me there!


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Finally some nice weather...what to do?

     Every morning I follow the same routine, whether it is a work day, weekend, holiday, school day, etc. I start by somehow figuring out how many scoops of coffee I need to put into the coffee maker to brew my coffee-when I'm only half awake at best, sometimes that is a daunting task. Then I go to the bathroom-thanks to the fact that I have to turn on a faucet to make coffee, which makes my bladder remind me I better go sooner rather than later. Then I let Sasha-our husky outside, thankfully she is patient with me. But this morning, I realized it was actually chilly! I'm sure she loved it, me, not so much. It didn't warm up a whole lot either by the time I had to take Autumn to my mom's, I was half tempted to grab a hoodie. How she (Autumn) was wearing a tank top and shorts without freezing is beyond me. I do have to admit, it was kind of nice driving with the sun roof cracked just to let some fresh air in, and not be running the AC in the car. I'm willing to bet the car was kind of thankful to.

     While I work inside an office, I really don't have any windows around me except the "sky light" type windows, that are behind me. I can tell when the sun is out in the afternoon, because it comes through the window and makes it next-to-impossible for me to see the computer monitor. I haven't been going on my lunchtime walks lately thanks to the heat wave we've been experiencing. Anyways, I went out to get the mail after lunch and couldn't believe how absolutely gorgeous it is outside! The sun is shining, and it is warm-this time I could wear shorts, maybe not a tank top, but definitely wouldn't need the hoodie.

     It also dawned on me the other day that I have YET to do any hiking, or even going for a walk around my neighborhood, or Crystal Lakes at all this summer. Today, I am hoping I can take advantage of this lovely weather and not having cheer practice. It would be nice if Corey-my husband, was able to get off work at a decent hour so he could join me and Autumn for a walk. I'm sure Tehya is enjoying the nice weather up at Indian Lake. She went with my in-laws to help keep Charli-my niece entertained (it's Charli's first time camping). I'm hoping she (Tehya) is also working on her backbend-walkovers, toe-touches, splits, straddles, and stretches like I told her to!

     Well, I better end it here, until next time bloggers...

Monday, July 22, 2013

A week off! Or is it really?

    So Cheer and Football camp is over, and now I have a break (for a week) from coaching. Well, that's as far as a break as I am going to get from it this week!

     I have to go pick up the uniforms today (about 40+) to get them washed and inspected. I know I am going to have an issue with some of them being too big for the smaller group, but there isn't much I can do about that other than have a few altered. Unfortunately, I had 3 girls that never returned their uniforms from last season, and 2 of those were XS's, which is what I am running short on, and will need more of. I am hoping this situation will help me plead my case in that we really need to get new uniforms for next season!

     I finished up my halftime show choreography over the weekend, and even have made for an even numbered squad and odd numbered. As of right now, I have an odd number, and I am hoping that doesn't change. Unfortunately (again) they are still allowing people to sign up during the first week of regular season (which is the week of July 29th). While it won't be as much of an issue for the halftime routine, I am only about 1/4 of the way with our competition dance routine. This one is already giving me enough problems figuring out, but if I have to add anymore girls to it, I will basically have to start over. I won't have time for that! Not to mention, I will be sending the warm up "fit kits" back that Wednesday, so I won't be able to fit anymore girls at that time. I'll also be ordering them that Friday, and I can't just add on to the order, if I ordered some separate, it will cost twice as much.

     I'm sincerely hoping that we luck out and don't have any more girls sign up. I think our squads have the perfect sizes as they are now. Not to mention, we've done a lot of sign ups between April and the last day of camp, July 18th. I think if people were going to sign up, they had plenty of time to do so. I can't stand it when someone procrastinates, especially if and when it affects me! I'm the kind of person that likes to plan months in advance when I can, or weeks if I have to. I have never been a fan of people doing things, or changing things on me at the last minute. I almost quit coaching last year because of it.

     So, during my week off, I am planning on washing all the uniforms and seeing what I have to work with for my girls. Then I need to finish my competition routine, and maybe do like I did for the halftime routine, and add groups "just in case". The problem is, that I am not doing pairs for competition like I am for halftime, so it's not going to be a matter of adding pairs, I will have to see who I can fit where. I haven't even started on the cheer chant part of competition. I told my assistant I am pretty much leaving that to her, I have a cheer or two to add, but as far as placement and order, I have nothing. That's the point of an assistant, right?

     Well, not much else to say here, so I guess I better get back to doing that work thing...and redrawing my movements/placements so my assistant can actually understand what I am trying to have the cheerleader stick figures show! Ha ha ha...I never claimed to be an artist.

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Joys and Problems of being a Cheer Advisor-Head Coach

     We wrapped up the first week of football and cheer camp yesterday. For the most part, I think it went well. I am hoping for pretty much the same next week. Right now, my squad is the perfect size, but I know that I have at least one addition (maybe two). I've already got most of my half time routine figured out, but now I will have to make some adjustments now that we are adding on. I'm hoping to keep it an even number, because if I have an odd number, I am going to make some people mad. I already see a few headaches coming my way in the next couple of weeks (not just routine related). Allow me to share them with you...

    1. If I do have an odd number in my squad, I will not be able to pair all the girls up like I originally have in my routine, one will obviously be alone. I have decided that if this is the case (and I am truly hoping it isn't) that it will be my daughter, Tehya. There are a few reasons behind this. First, she has the advantage of learning the routine sooner than the rest of the girls because she lives with me. In fact, I kind of use her (or her body I should say) to see if certain things will work, especially tumbling stuff-since I am too old and my body doesn't forgive me like it did once upon a time. This leads me to my second point, if I have an odd number and she isn't paired up, then I can have her do some of her tumbling moves that the other girls can't do. I don't single her out because she is my kid. Every practice after warm ups and stretches, I have all the girls go through different tumbling moves-somersaults, cartwheels, round-offs, cartwheel/round-off combos, back bends (by going into them backwards, not doing what is called a "bridge" where you lay on the ground and push yourself up), and back-bend walkovers. While a couple of the girls can do a back-bend, she is the only one that can do a back-bend walkover. I also let them freestyle a couple of times to show me what they like to do. Most of them stick to simple things, but Tehya pushes herself. I know this will have parents thinking I am showing her favoritism, but in all actuality, I am harder on her than anyone else on the entire team (including the older girls). I am doing a skills assessment on all the girls the first week of the regular season-which is the week of the 29th, so that is about 2 1/2 weeks away. Both my assistant coach and myself will score the girls on their abilities and I average them out to give them a score. She's the only one that can do the walkover, so why should I not allow her to do it if she's the only one that can? If it were someone else and not her, I would make that girl do them. Then again, my attitude has always been "if you don't like how I run things, you should've volunteered when you had the chance." But this isn't the headache I am worried the most about...

   2. As I stated earlier, I know there is at least one more coming to my squad, but I could tell from my 5-minute talk with the girl's mother (the girl was not present) that the mom has a serious attitude problem. Upon meeting her, I hand her a cheer info packet (like I did with all the cheerleaders the first night of practice) that contains rules, dress code, a list of excused/unexcused absences, disciplinary/reward actions, and information about our cheer competition. This packet has two sheets that need filled out and signed, then returned to me. The first sheet is just basic info about the cheerleader (like allergies, previous injuries, or any information that coaches need to know so they know how to work with the kids-like ADHD, shy, etc.) then the second page is for the parent and cheerleader to sign stating they understand everything that is in the packet and they will follow it. Every sport or club has something like this. She immediately rolls her eyes at me, then says "There's rules? Oh my F***** God, are you serious?"...Um yeah, I am serious. I told her I run a tight ship, but that all the girls know this. Then come to find out this girl has learning disabilities, is dyslexic, and (I already knew) she never cheered before. But then the mom says "she MIGHT be at practice the week of the 29th"...Um, that's the start of regular season, attendance starts counting at that point and yes, I take attendance and I am a bit of a stickler for it. You need to understand that cheer is a team sport, and when one girl misses, it affects the rest of the girls who are there every day. I can really see me and this mom butting heads, because I have a game plan in place and I don't plan on budging from it much, especially if I already have to re-do the routine to fit her kid into it! I mean, I am willing to work with her a little bit, but at the same time, the mom needs to work with me or it won't work out at all. What is really bad (for me) is that she-the mom, is friends with two of the Board Members, so I am sure she is going to try to get them to pull strings. So I have decided that I am going to have a talk with them while I am working the concession stand with them tomorrow about it. Like I said, I am more than willing to work with her, but she has to work with me. She needs to understand that the rules I have put in place are for everyone, including her. If she doesn't like it, she can go.

     3. This issue I am not quite as concerned about as I was a week ago, but there is a lady who messaged me on Facebook about signing her daughter up (if she does, she will be there Monday). She said she never cheered before, etc. etc. which isn't a big deal. The issue is that I recognized her picture, so I decided to do a little bit of stalking (yes, I am guilty of that). Come to find out, she went to school with me, and is/was friends with the ex-boyfriend I was with before I started dating my husband. That guy was abusive, which is one of the biggest reasons why I broke it off with him (once I got the courage to do it). Well, this chick threatened to beat my ass, and all this other stuff...I am just hoping that either she doesn't remember me (I don't look like I did in high school, nothing close) or she, like myself, has grown up since then and won't make it an issue. Then if she does sign up, then I will have an even number again, so then issue #1 won't be an issue anymore.

     So, those are the problems I am facing all within my first week as the Cheer Advisor and Head Coach of the JV squad. I am hoping to be able to resolve them all within the next few days, then I think it will be fairly smooth sailing from here on out. Thanks for letting me rant and rave for a moment, have a great weekend bloggers and followers!