Wednesday, February 24, 2016

I'm alive! I think?

   Wow, I did not realize it's been almost TWO YEARS since I last posted a bitch fest, er, I mean a blog! So much has happened in that time frame, I don't know where to begin.

   Well, to start with the bad news. Our dream that we saved years ago has now been lost. We went into foreclosure about a year and a half ago, and now we are basically sitting and waiting to be kicked out of our home. It really sucks, but there's not much that can be done at this point. The bank dropped the ball and we never really picked it back up. So it's just a waiting game now. Yay...For the record, it took a long time for me to come to terms with this. I was pretty much a hysterical basket case for a good month or so when I learned that we went into foreclosure. I was dealing with something else at the same time which drained my mental energies and wellbeing, but I don't care to discuss those details with the public. Sorry.

   Kids are doing well. It's hard to believe that I am the mother to a high schooler and middle schooler. No more elementary babies. There's a part of me that is very sad about this, but then again it's one of those things you can't stop from happening. It's part of life, like it or not. Sure I could have another and go through ALL that ALL over again, but....nah....I'm good. I don't think Corey would be too crazy about having a vasectomy reversed. He didn't act like he enjoyed it the first time, I doubt I could talk him into doing it again.

   Speaking of Corey, he and I are well. We are going to be celebrating our 15 year wedding anniversary in about two months. Hard to believe someone can voluntarily put up with me for that long, right? But he did, and does and does it like a champ. This year we are taking our first family vacation since 2009 and during that time we will be renewing our wedding vows. I'm pretty excited about it, even if it was his idea.

   I'm still working in the Property Management office, but now I am in the Accounting Department. It came with a slight pay increase, but a lot more work. Not sure if this is a good thing or bad thing, only time will tell.

   I'm in the final year of my second term as Cheer Advisor for the Wee Arrows. My daughters have both moved on from the program (even though Autumn still helps coach), so I am ready for it to be over. I have done a lot of good things for the program, or at least I'd like to think I did. I hope it continues to improve as seasons go on. It will be bittersweet when it is officially over in November, but I am looking forward to being "just a parent" again. It's been way too long, and I'd like to be able to relax and enjoy it.

   I've taken on a new role within the community. I am one of seven members of the Tecumseh Finance Committee which meets once a month to discuss our school district's financial issues. So far I feel like I am taking college courses for Accounting (especially Tax Accounting and Accounting for Non-Profit) all over again, much of the material we cover is a lot like the stuff we talked about in classes. I've enjoyed it so far, and hope that it will come to my aid if and when I decide to run for a Board position, or Township Trustee. I'm not 100% sure I want to do either, but it's a blimp on my radar, at least for now.

   I'm also considering sending in an audition tape for Season 8 of MasterChef, but I have yet to decide on what I am making and how I will go about taping this audition tape. I lack the video camera, and I can only do so much on my phone. So far most of the people think I should make my infamous pumpkin roll, but we shall see. 

   I think that covers what everyone's missed in the last two years. I'm much more active on my food blog, Pinterest Kitchen Witch. If you like food (who doesn't) and enjoy cooking, you should check it out and subscribe to it.

Peace Out!!