Friday, April 25, 2014

#100HappyDays Can you do it?

   Every few months it seems a new photo challenge graces us on different social media sites. As an avid Facebook user, I attempt to play along and usually stop within a week either because I get bored with it or just forget altogether. There is one that has started (I think originally about a month ago) called #100HappyDays Challenge. I saw a friend of mine had started it a few days ago and thought I'd check it out.

What it is:
   The purpose of this challenge is to show the world (and remind YOU) of all the things in life that make you happy. It's NOT meant to boast to the world that you go on extravagant vacations, have the biggest house, a large salary, etc (in fact, that is the opposite of what the purpose of this challenge is). The "things" in life can be anything-for example the first picture I posted for Day 1 was my first cup of coffee in the morning. Sure, it's nothing special to anyone else (other than if I don't have that coffee, I could make life miserable for anyone that has to deal with me) but it is what I look forward to in the morning. I'll elaborate on my things in a bit. Whatever makes YOU happy is what you share with the world each day.
   We all get caught up in negativity at times, and some of us are worse about it than others-yes, I will admit guilt here. If you take the time out to take a photo of something "happy" then it makes you happy to think about it.

How you can participate:
   First, go to this link to read up a little bit about the challenge (I summarized it for you in the earlier section) and sign up. The one drawback of signing up is that it only allows you to select one social media site (I chose Facebook over Twitter as I only visit Twitter every couple of days). After you sign up, you can start posting pictures.
   You post one picture a day of whatever makes you happy, then include the hash tag #100HappyDays. You can either just leave it at that, or you can include Day (whatever day of the challenge you are on) and include a brief description of what it is, why it makes you happy etc. You do this everyday for 100 days straight.
   That's all that there is to this challenge.

Why you should do it? Same reason I am doing it:
    No, I am not forcing anyone to participate, but really what would it hurt? We are so full of negativity anymore-job loss, living paycheck-to-paycheck, foreclosed homes, not having things you want/need, the list goes on and on. I will be the first person to say that I am more of a negative Nelly than anything these days (once upon a time, I wasn't like that). Life happens and beats us down at times-for me, it feels more often than not. But, it can ALWAYS be worse than what it is-sometimes it's hard to remember that. This challenge forces us to remember that there are things to be happy about, even if our lives are necessarily happy at that moment. When you post that photo, you think about what's in that photo. It makes you smile-at least it does for me.

Here's some inspiration:
   So, if you want a little inspiration, or you just want to know the things I've posted to date, check these out!

Day 1
My first cup of coffee in the morning-the only thing better than this is when it's on a weekend and I can enjoy my coffee in my pjs. Yes, that is a cat on my coffee cup (made by my oldest daughter Autumn-it has something to do with a book series she loves to read...Warrior Cats, maybe you've heard of it?)

Day 2
Chrono, my Alpha male cat sitting in one of his favorite spots (where Corey, my husband normally sits on the couch). I think Chrono is trying to dethrone Corey as the man of the house, he sits here every chance he gets. But him and Corey are buddies, so maybe that's just it...No it makes me happier to think he is trying to take over, just because it fits his personality.

Day 3
Trigger (Chrono's twin brother)-I love him to death. He is a bit finicky as in he only lets you love and pet him when HE wants it, otherwise you get his claws...Most of the time, he wants my attention at 3:30 in the morning. Yes, he is a fatniss catniss (his suits him).

Day 4 (today)
Prancer-he is no relation to the other two, in fact he is about a year or so older than they are (even if he is only half their size). Prancer is actually my youngest daughter, Tehya's cat. He is a sweetie and such a little lover. We took him in from my mom's house because she has 11 cats and needs to get rid of some-and she said he was a bully to the other cats. I haven't seen it yet. He makes me happy because he greets me every morning-just like my Dixie-Kitty used to...

So that's what I have so far. I will keep you updated (maybe on a weekly basis) of the new ones I post. I intend on actually sticking to this challenge as it could only be beneficial to someone like me who needs reminders about the things I have to be happy about.